
Skin is a mirror of how we feel inside. If we’re tired, stressed, poorly nourished or simply succumbing to the ageing process, our skin shows it.we have best solution for skin treatment.


Skin, Hair & Laser Treatment

Our dermetologist care about you & your family’s skin

Q SWITCH ND YAG LASER ( US FDA Approved) for skin whitening & tightening, instant glow (photo facial & medi facial),skin rejuvenation, tatoo & birth mark, freckles and melasma. 

Photo rejuvenation or "nonablative resurfacing" has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures being performed. The q switch nd yag laser System is one of the most common and versatile tools being used. A number of beneficial changes on and below the skin surface can result from treatments using non-coherent polychromatic light. These changes are able to improve the majority of skin problems typically resulting from photo damage. Photo rejuvenation treatments are typically given in a series to improve a number of irregularities.

FRACTIONAL CO2 LASER (US FDA Approved) for acne scar, skin tightening and rejuvenation, post pregnancy stretch mark

Offers effective fractional co2 laser for acne scaring and anti-aging treatment with fetal stem cells. fractional co2 laser for acne scaring and anti-aging therapy helps to improve overall physical condition of the patients resulting in less tiredness, improvement of gait and posture and work capacity. Mental capacities improve, leading to acceleration of decision making and restoration of the short-term memory and emotional balance is achieved.

PEELING for pigmentation, dark circles, wrinkles

Keeping in mind the diverse requirements of our customers, we offer an extensive range of Chemical Peelings Treatment. This Chemicals peeling Skin Treatment is highly recommended amongst the customers for their effectiveness.

MICRODERMABRATION for skin polishing & whitening

Microdermabrasion is one of the superficial resurfacing technique in which the skin surface is minutely abraded. It is a very simple procedure with no side effects and basically done for superficial scars like acne, chicken pox, traumatic, open pores, hyperpigmentation etc.

DERMAROLLER for Acne scars, stretch marks

MESOTHERAPY for anti-aging & skin rejuvenation

Meso therapy is a popular French technique of delivery of different vitamins, nutrients, growth factors and medicines in various combinations in different layers of the skin. Meso therapy Treatment, we will target to decreasing your all trouble spots from your body like fatty tissue, excess fat, physique shaping, It will done by giving several injections, which contains various nutritional vitamins.

BOTOX for wrinkles & skin tightening

After years of extensive research, we have been able to find and formulate effective solutions for wrinkles. Wrinkles and skin ageing is a natural phenomenon, but can be treated with a botox which give excellent & immidiate result in wrinkles.

DERMAL FILLERS for wrinkles, lifting, enhancement of facial contour

We have the best offered skin tightening & lifting treatments for our trusted clients. With effective tightening & lifting we make sure that elegant looks are given to the treated. Our effective treatments are offered as per the medical counsel and standards.