
So your hair is in bad shape, its splitting or breaking off at worse or dry and frizzy, what should you be doing? Getting a treatment is the answer but which one and why?

Skin, Hair & Laser Treatment

Our dermetologist care about you & your family’s health


Treatment for hair loss/ Dandruff,


Meso therapy is a popular French technique of delivery of different vitamins, nutrients, growth factors and medicines in various combinations in different layers of the skin. Meso therapy Treatment, we will target to decreasing your all trouble spots from your body like fatty tissue, excess fat, physique shaping, It will done by giving several injections, which contains various nutritional vitamins.

P.R.P therapy

PRP is a proven hair treatment which prevents further loss in most of the cases. PRP treatment is very safe as your own blood is used and so no side effects are there and it is well tolerated. PRP has shown good results when used for maintenance hair loss treatment in patient who do oral medications due to side effects or if one do not want to take medications due to fear of probable side effects. PRP treatment for hair loss is a targeted approach which delivers desired growth factors directly at concerned hair roots

Hair transplantation ( FUE & FUT)

Hair transplantation is a very popular cosmetic surgery. This is a very precision driven surgical technique which involves moving hair follicles from the donor area and aesthetically implanting it to the balding or recipient site and at LIVA SKIN CLINIC you will get the best hair transplant results in Ahmedabad. In our clinic, we know how to treat male pattern baldness and have expertise in using grafts that contain hair follicles genetically resistant to balding. In our clinic, we perform both the hair transplantation procedure which is FUT (Follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (Follicular unit extraction) or strip harvesting. This way donor’s hair is harvested in two different procedures and that also gives us the ability to cover more area if necessary.